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What is a CN?

    It's for everyone. To navigate. Together.

Co-navigation is becoming a popular concept for the DeafBlind community.

  • It is to navigate the environment to become inclusive in the surroundings.
  • It is to navigate with one or more people as a team.
  • It is to navigate to experience the environment through each other's contributions.


A CoNavigator is a person who adapts the concept of co-navigation. CoNavigators can be a DeafBlind individual and a friend, a family member, a colleague, or an interpreter. They navigate the environment together by exploring the surroundings through touch.

A CoNavigator learns along with the DeafBlind person to utilize navigating and communication skills that sustain inclusion in the environment through co-presence. With a CN, the DeafBlind person can make informed and autonomous decisions.

The term 'co' is important as it is two or more people who work together in collaborative navigation and exploration as a team.


DB female says:
When walking down a street lined with stores and restaurants, a CN shares noteworthy tidbits with me so that we can take spontaneous detours, like any sighted person walking in my shoes. The difference may be that we touch along the way. We may stumble onto a new eatery or on a great sale. With this information, I can then make split-minute decisions in real time.

DB Male says:
I happen to have a sighted CN with me, like because we're driving around to hit several places. We both go into Starbucks. What happens? We fumble, we touch that table there and slide along it, we touch a corner of a wall there and my CN notes that bathrooms are down that way, we touch the counter, we touch some items...

Another DB female says:
I am DeafBlind. You are my friend. We walk side by side. Your hand is under mine, conversing with me as we walk. I learn what's along the way. I slide my hand under yours. "I'd like to stop by Safeway." Off we navigate, touching a tree here and there. We sweep-touch the tall bushes growing by the sidewalk. We enter the store, our hands pushing the door open. We walk over to retrieve a shopping cart and push side by side. You back channel on my hand to turn right. We turn right and stop. You draw a "sign" on my upper right chest. You draw a line, saying "Free Coffee." I perk up. "Yes, I want some!" You describe what's on the table in front of us. You place my hand on the handle of the coffee pot and another hand on the styrofoam cups. I pluck one cup and pour coffee as your hand slides up my arm, indicating the filling. I stop pouring when your hand reaches my shoulder. I sniff steaming coffee and hand it over to you. "Take it. I'll get another cup for myself." You and I are CoNavigators.

Male CN says:
At a DeafBlind person's home, there was a party going on. I walked outside with two DeafBlind friends to their Uber. A neighbor approached me, complaining that a blue car was parked in front of his driveway. I went in and looked for the DeafBlind owner to share the situation. The DB took the situation into his hand and asked me to go with him to interpret for him and the neighbor. I realized I broke the habit of a sighted person. I didn't solve the problem myself by asking other sighted people rather than approaching the DB host. That's what co-navigating is all about!

Female CN says:
I like the part where it says that both the CN and the DB person have something to contribute. It is two way. They both bring something to the working relationship. In my case, I cannot smell so when I am with a DB person, the DB person has something to offer me which is olfactory information. The DB person may tell me that she smells something, and then I look around to see where it may be coming from. I may see what it may be (not always though) and share that visual information with her.

SSP vs CN:

SSP: Takes away DeafBlind's autonomy
CN: Supports DeafBlind's autonomy

SSP: Disconnects from DB often
CN: Embraces co-presence

SSP: Guides with elbow
CN: Walks together, side by side sharing input

SSP: Feeds visual information that overwhelms the DB
CN: Touches with DB what's around them

SSP: Pulls the shopping cart in front of the DB who's just holding
CN: Pushes the shopping cart besides the DB, sharing input

SSP: Takes food item off the shelf and puts in the cart
CN: Touches food item with the DB, DB takes the item and puts in the cart

SSP: Opens the door for the DB
CN: Opens the door with the DB, their hands touching the door together. DB then opens the door or two open together

SSP: Picks up a dropped object for the DB
CN: Points to where the dropped object is. Eiither the DB picks up or they pick up together

SSP: Walks with DB at elbow straight to the book shelves in the library or bookstore
CN: Touches shelves and tables along with DB as they weave through the library or bookstore

SSP: Gets the book from the shelf for the DB
CN: Points to the book on the shelf for the DB to pluck out

SSP: Takes and gives the credit card to the cashier
CN: Points and lets DB give the credit card to the cashier

SSP: Fills a cup and brings it over to the DB who's sitting and waiting
CN: Touches cups together and DB picks up one to fill with drink. As the DB fills the cup. CN indiciates the filling by moving hand up the DB's arm to the shoulder. When CN's hand reaches DB's shoulder, DB stops filling the cup

SSP: Speaks for the DB
CN: Interprets when DB speaks

SSP: Tells the DB, "Stay here and wait."
CN: Never says that

SSP: Talks with someone while DB waits. "Explain later," when DB asks
CN: Engages in conversation with both DB and the person they encounter

SSP: Says almost nothing while driving
CN: Shares environment feedback along the way while driving

SSP: Pulls the DB down to avoid the low-lying branch while walking
CN: Touches the tree branch with the DB. DB goes under with ease

SSP: Opens the car door and puts hand on DB's head as DB slides into the passenger side. Closes the door, often hurting DB's hand or arm that's still out
CN: Lets DB touch the car and feel to find the passenger side where DB opens the door, slides in, and closes all by themselves

SSP: Waves back or responds to a passerby, "Good Morning" without DB's knowledge
CN: Lets DB know someone is waving. DB either waves back or not. CN informs DB someone says, "Hello, how are you?" DB either responds or not

SSP: Takes a note written by someone and reads it to the DB
CN: Tells DB someone is writing a note and lets DB take the note. DB may either read it or asks CN to read for him

SSP: Says, "I am so sorry. It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention" when the DB hits a pole or an obstacle
CN: Doesn't freak out

SSP: Runs to get napkins for DB
CN: Shows DB where the napkins are. DB takes some

SSP: Moves around a lot, being active while DB is more passive
CN: Lets DB move around much more. CN can either be passive or move along with DB

SSP: "Takes over"
CN: Is on the team with DB

    Co-navigation is for everyone. To navigate. Together.

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